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Author: kyriss
The cup of the Kingdom
We children of God remain co-heirs of glory with Christ
The theme for this day follows upon this past week’s teaching concerning how God continues to meet His people on this hill. A goodly number of us have heard again from readings that also resound throughout the Church Year, of all that God has done, is doing, and will do for His faithful people. From hearing of God’s chosen people eating and drinking in His Presence in the Old Testament into having the Promise of the blessedness of the coming New Heavens and Earth, we learned that, as God’s children, we who have died and risen to new life in Christ are heirs of God, and most certainly, co-heirs with Christ….For more, click on the title above.
On this Hill: We learn about Christ
On this hill, the Lord surrounds His people
This week, this year the biblical theme for our VBS is On This Hill, God Surrounds His People. To develop this, it has been said in the Church that “just as man fell by eating, so he is restored by eating.” The themes of hunger and sustenance in our texts today work together to teach fallen man of his hunger and then offer to fallen man the better food of our Lord’s Gospel. …For more, click on the title above.
Christ vs. folk-Christianity
Jesus’ perfection is our perfection
When Jesus preaches, you hear Perfection describing perfection. Today’s section of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount casts Jesus as the New Moses. That is, Moses, the Law-giver of the Old Testament, who delivered to Israel God’s covenant and God’s Law, delivered only a shadow of what would come. Under the Old Covenant, perfection was demanded of God’s people. Well, perfection in so far as the Law described perfection. Murder was murder, under the Law. Murder must be committed for one to be guilty of murder. …For more, click on the title above.
Joy: The fruit of faith
Today we celebrate the Visitation of Mary. From this text we get the canticle called Magnificat which is sung in many of our evening prayer services. There are some striking things to be learned in this text about the nature of belief and the greatness of our God….For more, click on the title above.
Called to an inheritance of blessing
The visible reality of inherited blessings given to this assembly of the faithful
through the death of Christ Jesus, frees us to remember that this is also another day in the life of this congregation in which we are free to rejoice. Whenever we consider all
the members whom God has joined into one Body on this hill beginning with a small mission in 1981, we can be very grateful to God. Not one of this congregation’s founding members could have imagined all the biblical and confessional wisdom, life
experiences, skills, talents, worldly wisdom, and so much more that have been, and are, in the people whom God has gathered here over the years. The Scripture for the day reminds us: to this all of you were called, that blessing you might inherit….For more, click on the title above.