Friday, Sept. 22, 2023 – Lord Jesus, as you taught Your disciples on a mountain side so many years ago, You speak to us now through Your proclaimed Word. We serve You as our Master, trusting always that our needs are cared for. In faith, we bring to You our silver and our gold, trusting in Your… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 20
Tag: 90 days of prayer
90 days of prayer: Day 19
Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, Feast of St. Matthew – Loving God and Father, You richly and daily provide us with all we need to support our bodies and lives. As You support us in body and soul with Your unconditional love, allow us to support this church body with unconditional giving of our time, talents, and… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 19
90 days of prayer: Day 18
Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023 – Almighty God, through Your grace, this body of Christ known as Catalina Lutheran Church has received the bounty of Your love. We have heard Your Word and received Your Sacraments. Hear our prayer as we seek to expand the glory of Your kingdom with our pledges and gifts. Let us not grow weary… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 18
90 days of prayer: Day 17
Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023 – Merciful God, even though in our human nature and weakness we continue to want and even demand more, You supply us with all we NEED to sustain us for this life and the next. We are anxious, and yet, through Your Son You let us know that we are living… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 17
90 days of prayer: Day 16
Monday, Sept. 18, 2023 – Dear Father, You sustained the prophet Elijah in the wilderness with gifts from the ravens and then with gifts provided by You through the widow and her son. You continue to give through Your means gifts that sustain us. We pray that we too, can share what is ours to the glory… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 16
90 days of prayer: Day 15
The 15th week after Trinity Anxious bondage vs. confident trust Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023 – O Lord God, most gracious and giving Savior, today, and every Lord’s Day You show us the truth of unconditional giving. As you have given us Your Son to die and rise again for our sake, allow us to be… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 15
90 days of prayer: Day 14
Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023 – Lord God, heavenly Father, You have provided many examples of generosity in your Word. When King David asked the Israelites to provide gifts for the building of a Temple in Jerusalem, the people responded with such exuberance that he had to tell them to stop giving as they had exceeded… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 14
90 days of prayer: Day 13
Friday, Sept. 15, 2023 – Lord God, heavenly Father, we know that Your will for us is to walk by the Spirit, and not gratify the desires of our flesh. We pray that our lives would exhibit the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. May these be evident… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 13
90 days of prayer: Day 12
Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023, Holy Cross Day– Lord God, heavenly Father, You provided an example of sacrificial love that can never be equaled when You sent Your only-begotten Son to earth to atone for the sins of the whole world through His suffering and death on the cross. We beseech You to soften our hearts,… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 12
90 days of prayer: Day 11
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023 – Lord God, heavenly Father, who desires all men, women, and children to hear the Word of God, to be saved through the atoning sacrifice of Your Son, and to spend eternity with You in a new heaven and a new earth: we beseech You to help us provide improved accommodations… Continue reading 90 days of prayer: Day 11