Ad te Domine Levavi: To You, I will lift up

Today we begin our 2022 Advent series. It is one that is being centered upon the Church’s more historic Introit Psalms. Those were long ago appointed for each of the four Sundays, and following weeks, of the Advent season. Each of those Sundays have received their names from Latin translations of the Introit appointed for each specific Advent week: Ad te levavi; Populus Zion; Gaudete; and Rorate coeli. Those names were derived from the first Latin language verse of the Introit given to the Church for hearing during each Advent week….For more, click on the title above

The triumphal advent of the King of peace

Entry into Jerusalem by Sadao Watanabe

Today, the confessing Church throughout the world celebrates the Triumphal Advent of the King of Peace. Jesus is that King. We declare that for He is the One Who was heralded almost 2,000 years ago by crowds both following and leading His procession into Jerusalem.
That, and more, we have heard again from today’s readings. That is because this is the day that begins a new Church Year of our Lord. For centuries, its Gospel reading has been heard each year on this day. Yet, it is not the only time we hear today’s text in the Lord’s Services.
…For more, click on the title above.