Called to an inheritance of blessing

The Call by Jorge Cocco

The visible reality of inherited blessings given to this assembly of the faithful
through the death of Christ Jesus, frees us to remember that this is also another day in the life of this congregation in which we are free to rejoice. Whenever we consider all
the members whom God has joined into one Body on this hill beginning with a small mission in 1981, we can be very grateful to God. Not one of this congregation’s founding members could have imagined all the biblical and confessional wisdom, life
experiences, skills, talents, worldly wisdom, and so much more that have been, and are, in the people whom God has gathered here over the years. The Scripture for the day reminds us: to this all of you were called, that blessing you might inherit….For more, click on the title above.

God is the One who will establish you all

LSB Icon used with permission

From the Table of Duties, today’s theme verse is part of a biblical quote that is addressed to young persons. In the Small Catechism, the text about self-humility is preceded by a biblical admonishment. t was pointed for young men to teach them to be voluntarily submissive to the presbyters, that is, pastors, men who are older than they.
That can be a tough teaching to stomach for budding theologians. They are, after all, people who have gained some biblical knowledge. Even so, such young men have not yet gained wisdom through continual struggling with worldly evils. Lack of wisdom and discernment can tempt them to try to correct their elders. It also leads them to confuse the Kingdoms of the Right and of the Left….For more, click on the title above.

The clear, heartfelt and grace-full message of Scripture

The Parable of the Great Banquet by Maurice Morel

How are you doing with staying daily heavenly minded while doing earthly good? This can be tough, as you are continually bombarded by reports of worldly realities that seem to communicate, “The sky is falling!”
How are you handling the satanic and fallen worldly messages that continue to rail against the clear, beautiful, and graceful messages of Scripture that come to the hearers of God’s Word from the right division of Law and Gospel?
Those among us who truly and honestly answered those questions likely confessed that you are not doing well, to say the least….For more, click on the title above.

Reflecting the steadfast love of the Great I AM

In God Is Love by Eden Printables

As many of you heard from Pastor von Hindenburg last week when he referred to a recent Bible study: ”God is love… He does not desire the death of a sinner, but rather that he would turn from his wicked way and live.” That is true.
Even so, the Divine love of which we speak in the One True Church is not how the world understands that word, love. …For more, click on the title above.

The church in Christ speaks one language to all nations

Detail of the Disciples at the Pentecost, Chapel of Saint John the Baptist by Agostino Masucci

Fifty days have passed since our celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. According to ancient calendars brought into our day, this is the third great feast of the Church Year. In the Israelite tradition, Pentecost had been held 50 days, that is, seven weeks plus one day, after the wave offering of the barley sheaf during the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Lev. 23:15-16). It was also called the Feast of Harvest (Ex. 23:16; cf. 34:22) and, “The day of first fruits…“(Num. 28:26)….For more, click on the title above.

Remain in sacrificial love, sharing it in prayer

Descending Dove Symbol of the Holy Spirit Trinity Lutheran Church, Paola Kansas

The Epistle reading for today, in its original language, appears to be divided into just three sentences. It is composed of just 81 words that are recorded in texts with the
best testimony as to that which was long ago contained in the Autographs. (Those are the original New Testament manuscripts of the Apostles and Evangelists).
As today’s I Peter text is combined with the other readings chosen long ago for public proclamation on this day named Exaudi, that is, “’Hear,” Sunday, the Holy Spirit continues to use it to call the faithful to continue clinging to God’s Word. We are freed to do so with the biblical surety that He does hear us….For more, click on the title above.

The peace that surpasses every human mind

Women's Prayer Meeting by Marietjie Henning

Today, that you might hear what the assembled pastors and other professional Church workers heard at Advent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zionsville, IN, the text of that sermon with be soon proclaimed from this pulpit. This is, in part, because pastors that are called to this congregation are responsible to inform our members of that which we are asked to proclaim elsewhere.
Before that, though, it can be helpful for us to remember that, during this week of the Church Year, God’s Word leads us into an annual time that is specifically set aside for prayer. …For more, click on the title above.