Trinity 21 2023

Jesus Healing the Servant of a Centurion by Paolo Veronese

Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity

…Click on the above title for the bulletin.

Unpacking the meaning of a parable

Artist Unknown

Sometimes when you begin a sermon you need to explain what the text you are preaching on is NOT about before you can say what it is about and how it applies to the hearers. I hope this helps, because the parable of the wicked, nasty tenants is one of those texts.
This parable of Jesus is not about an unfruitful vineyard. It is not about a vineyard that bore the wrong kind of fruit. This parable is not about the people of God who at times do not bear the fruit that they should be bearing. And so, we should not simplistically say that we are just like the tenant workers in that vineyard because we sometimes don’t bear fruit for God….For more, click on the title above.

LSB 672 Jerusalem the Golden

Jerusalem of the Future (c) Micael Muchnik

Selected as the seasonal hymn for AD 2023 All Saints-tide.  This final cycle of the long Trinity season is named for the November 1 feast which marks its beginning. For the past almost 5 weeks of Michaeltide, we have reflected on endurance in the face of tribulation.  As we close in on the end of… Continue reading LSB 672 Jerusalem the Golden

Categorized as Hymn Study

Are you welcome at the Feast?

Artist Unknown

Jesus said, “Many are invited but few are elected.”
Do you remember how Jesus explains the parable we just heard? Me neither. That is because this is one of those that Jesus doesn’t explain. He gives the parable and keeps on talking. Most of the time it’s not a big deal. This is one of those times it’s not a big deal – the explanation of the parable is pretty obvious when we consider it in light of the rest of the Scriptures….For more, click on the ttile above