90 Days of prayer: Day 1

The 13th week after Trinity Jesus is our Good Samaritan        Sunday, Sept. 3, 2023 – Lord God, heavenly Father, when we were dead in our trespasses, You rescued us in the waters of Baptism, reviving, healing, and restoring us through the benefits won by Your Son in His death and resurrection. You have called… Continue reading 90 Days of prayer: Day 1

We are not pagans

The Good Samaritan by Hannah Varghese, 2007

There are five men in our text today. The lawyer, the man from Jerusalem, the good Samaritan, the priest, and the Levite, but only two of them speak. One speaks out of self-righteousness and the other speaks rightly. What we are called to learn from the text today is this: We are the man coming from Jerusalem. Jesus is the good Samaritan. And the thieves are our sins and iniquities. Further, if we attempt to justify ourselves, we become the priest and the Levite….For more, click on the title above

Trinity_13 2023

The Good Samaritan by Hannah Varghese, 2007

Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

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‘O Lord, Open my lips…’ a beautiful prayer of the faith

Jesus Healing a Deaf-mute by Bartholomeus Breenbergh

Hear that which Jesus still says to cast off the bindings the ancient jailer of mankind had locked upon those whom God names with His Name: “!” [Ephphatha] (That is, be opened).
In the ancient Baptismal Rite, since before AD 1526, as the third of three exorcisms, a pastor was given to declare those words of Jesus over those whom God is preparing to baptize. Historically, the pastor then followed that command with a phrase like this, “But thou, devil, flee, for God’s judgment cometh speedily.” Then, having heard a blessing from the pastor, the candidate was, and still is, led through renouncing the devil, and all his works and ways. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity_12 2023

Jesus Healing a Deaf-mute by Bartholomeus Breenbergh

Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

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