Author: catlutheran
Mary, Mother of Our Lord
OB Meeting 4/25/24
Warning Order and opening prayer Pastor Guest presentation: Soldier’s Best Friend Dawn introduced Leslie (representative) and Chris (client) from Soldier’s Best Friend. SBF locates, trains, and places service dogs with veterans who have PTSD/TBI, and trains the veterans to work and live with their service dogs. Leslie discussed the processes used by SBF, and the… Continue reading OB Meeting 4/25/24
Tucson Stand down March 2024
Another successful Stand Down took place on Wednesday at the Ramada Inn. Approximately 100 needy Veterans and families came by our table to receive our resources. Forty Bibles were handed out and the cookies disappeared quickly. Many came by to try on the readers and sunglasses. The excess glasses were given to the Hope Institute… Continue reading Tucson Stand down March 2024
God’s Beautiful Kingdom Comes Through the Gospel
As we repeatedly hear from this pulpit, the proclamation of peace between God and man that Jesus died to bring continues to move sinners like you and me to repentance. The peace that Jesus won on the Cross continues to grant Divine forgiveness to us.
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Rejoice: The Lord Remains Faithful to His Promises
We need to hear that He, through His Word of forgiveness, continues to set our sins apart from us, even as far as the East is from the West. Our New Natures desire to hear God say, through the means He Himself chose: “I will remember [your] sins no more!”
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Betrayal burns with the intensity of the sun; it scalds the very soul.
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God’s Sacrificial Love Is Revealed in the Son’s Offering Himself to God
He [Jesus] revealed the meaning of beautiful, enduring, true, sacrificial, and unconditional love as He, voluntarily, handed Himself over into the hands of men.
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The Perfect Life
Sin lays at our door, always. Sin desires to rule over us, always. We are called by Christ to set a watch, always.
Nevertheless, knowing this, as we do, we leave the door unattended and sin walks in freely.
OB Meeting 2/15/24
Our February meeting was held Thurs., February 15 at the Church. Pastor opened with a devotion from Matthew 6:19-20. We are not to lay up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven, where neither moths nor rust will destroy. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. Details of the Stand… Continue reading OB Meeting 2/15/24