Scripture Readings for March 22, 2015

Scripture Readings for March 22, 2015 Lent 5, Judica (LSB Divine Service Setting 3) PSALM: Psalm 43 OLD TESTAMENT:  Genesis 22:1-14 GRADUAL:  Psalm 43:1 EPISTLE:  Hebrews 9:11-15 GOSPEL:  John 8:46-59

Hymns for March 15, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015, Hymns Lent 4, Laetare (LSB Divine Service Setting 3) Entrance Hymn:  LSB #711, “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” Hymn of the Day:  LSB #743, “Jesus, Priceless Treasure” Distribution Hymns: LSB #642, “O Living Bread from Heaven” LSB #641, “You Satisfy the Hungry Heart”  LSB #617, “O Lord, We Praise Thee” Click here to use Better Noises, a product designed to help learn… Continue reading Hymns for March 15, 2015

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Scripture Readings for March 15, 2015

Scripture Readings for March 15, 2015 Lent 4, Laetare (LSB Divine Service Setting 3) PSALM:  Psalm 132:8-18 OLD TESTAMENT:  Isaiah 49:8-13 GRADUAL:  Psalm 84:10 EPISTLE:  Galatians 4:21-31 GOSPEL:  John 6:1-15

Hymns for March 8, 2015

Sunday, March 8, 2015, Hymns Lent 3, Oculi (LSB Divine Service Setting 3) Hymn of Invocation:  LSB #688, “Come, Follow Me, the Savior Spake” Hymn of the Day:  LSB #659, “Lord of Our Life” Offering Hymn:  LSB #770, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Distribution Hymns: LSB #627, “Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior” LSB #629, “What Is This Bread”  LSB #427, “In the Cross of… Continue reading Hymns for March 8, 2015

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Scripture Readings for March 8, 2015

Scripture Readings for March 8, 2015 Lent 3, Oculi (LSB Divine Service Setting 3) PSALM:  Psalm 136:1-16 OLD TESTAMENT:  Jeremiah 26:1-15 GRADUAL:  Psalm 9:20, 4 EPISTLE:  Ephesians 5:1-9 GOSPEL:  Luke 11:14-28

Hymns for March 1, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015, Hymns Lent 2, Reminiscere (LSB Divine Service Setting 1) Entrance Hymn:  LSB #734, “I Trust, O Lord, Your Holy Name” Hymn of the Day:  LSB #615, “When in the Hour of Deepest Need” Offering Hymn:  LSB #770, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” Distribution Hymns: LSB #634, “The Death of Jesus Christ, Our Lord” LSB #638, “Eat This Bread” LSB #693, “O… Continue reading Hymns for March 1, 2015

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Scripture Readings for March 1, 2015

Scripture Readings for March 1, 2015 Lent 2, Reminiscere (LSB Divine Service Setting 1) PSALM:  Psalm 121 OLD TESTAMENT:  Genesis 32:22–32 GRADUAL:  Psalm 24:17-18 EPISTLE:  1 Thessalonians 4:1–7 GOSPEL:  Matthew 15:21–28