What is God’s?

Christ and the Tribute Money by Gustuave Dore

Those in our text today who wish to test the Christ have pit earthly government against heavenly government. They begin their inquiry with a false presupposition. They do so knowingly, they willfully bend God’s teaching against the Christ. However, truth prevails – which is a surprise to none of us.
The Pharisees ally themselves with the followers of Herod hoping to catch Christ inciting the people against the government; a government which Christ has allowed to be established.
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Trinity 23 2023

Christ and the Tribute Money by Gustuave Dore

Twenty-Third Sunday after Trinity

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Forgiveness doesn’t count

The Unforgiving Servant by Nelly Bube

Forgiveness doesn’t count. Oh, don’t get me wrong! I don’t mean that it doesn’t matter or that it’s not important. By no means. No, forgiveness counts for a lot in that respect. In fact, it’s everything. We’d be lost without forgiveness.
But when I say, Forgiveness doesn’t count, I mean it in the way that Jesus teaches it, which is to say, forgiveness doesn’t keep score. Forgiveness doesn’t count. It doesn’t keep score or keep track of how many times it has to forgive. …For more, click on the title above.

Trinity 22 2023

The Unforgiving Servant by Nelly Bube

Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity

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Why Are the Saints Blessed?

The Forerunners of Christ with Saints and Martyrs

Today is the day we celebrate All Saints Day, perhaps one of the most misunderstood “Festival” days in the church year.
But, with that said, with the help of the Holy Spirit we will look at what God has to say in regard to “life after death.” To begin with, however, let’s answer a couple of basic questions: what is All Saints Day, and why does the Lutheran Church celebrate it?…For more, click on the title above.

Beautiful signs and wonders

Jesus Healing the Servant of a Centurion by Paolo Veronese

This is a time of year, in the Church, when we hear again of the signs and wonders that Jesus did to reveal Himself as the Messiah, the Anointed One of God, of the Scriptures. Today, that has come into our ears with the Apostle and Evangelist John’s account of Jesus’ second miracle having come from the Judea into the Galilee.
With that in mind, we remember that today’s readings have, in this time, come to us very near to our celebration of the Festival of the Reformation, as well as the days that immediately follow it—the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls. This is a time of year for us to hear a succession of proclamations concerning the powerful work of God…. For more, click on the title above.

Trinity 21 2023

Jesus Healing the Servant of a Centurion by Paolo Veronese

Twenty-First Sunday after Trinity

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