Weekly hymn: 732 – All Depends on Our Possessing Day 54: Second Sunday of Easter, April 23, Octave of Easter, Quasimodo Geniti Heavenly Father, we are like newborn infants who long for spiritual milk! We thank you for sending Your Son to die for us on the Cross, and for raising Him to make us… Continue reading Day 54: 96 Days of Prayer
Author: catlutheran
Day 53: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 53: Saturday, April 22 O Christ, the glorious head of your body, the church, bless this congregation as we continue to learn about your work among us. Open our hearts to the new and wonderful things you can accomplish through us. Open our lips to encourage… Continue reading Day 53: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 52: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 52: Friday, April 21 Master and Creator of all that is, I lift my eyes to the heavens and am in awe of all that you have created. I look around me and am grateful for all with which you have blessed me. Your Word says… Continue reading Day 52: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 51: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 51: Thursday, April 20 Heavenly Father, have mercy upon all who worship you and call upon your name at Catalina Lutheran Church. Bless us with your gifts. Keep us mindful of your saving power. Give us the faith to see the gifts you have given us… Continue reading Day 51: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 50: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 50: Easter Wednesday, April 19 “Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee. God of Glory Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee, Praising Thee, their sun above.” Heavenly Father, we always fall short but in Jesus, we always have new life. Keep our hearts open to… Continue reading Day 50: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 49: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 49: Easter Tuesday, April 18 “I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives….He lives triumphant from the grave. He lives eternally to save!” Alleluia! Dearest Father in Heaven, how these words bring joy to our sinful hearts. We praise your holy name… Continue reading Day 49: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 48: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 48: Easter Monday, April 17 Almighty God, through your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, You overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life. We humbly pray that we may live before you in righteousness and purity forever; through the same Jesus Christ, our… Continue reading Day 48: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 47: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly hymn: 837 – Lift High the Cross Day 47: Feast of the Resurrection, April 16 Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Dearest Jesus, we rejoice in your resurrection and triumph over sin, death and the devil. You have conquered all evil for our benefit. We praise you and rejoice that we may… Continue reading Day 47: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 46: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly Hymn: 851 – Lord of Glory You Have Bought Us Day 46: Holy Saturday, April 15 “O Christ, thou Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us and grant us peace.” “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not… Continue reading Day 46: 96 Days of Prayer
Day 45: 96 Days of Prayer
Weekly Hymn: 851 – Lord of Glory You Have Bought Us Day 45: Good Friday, April 14 Lamb of God, pure and holy, I come to you as a poor, miserable sinner. Keep me mindful of your saving power. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Be patient with me. Help me… Continue reading Day 45: 96 Days of Prayer